On Sunday, September 19th, IYAG’s Women Empowerment MDG group organized a Open Mic event at Busboy and Poets to support Vital Voices. Vital Voices aims to identify, invest in and bring visibility to extraordinary women around the world by unleashing their leadership potential to transform lives and accelerate peace and prosperity in their communities. Below, Abrar Omeish, a member of the Women Empowerment MDG group and a sophomore at the Robinson Secondary School, talks about the inspiring event:

As awareness about the UN’s Millennium Development Goals’ (especially the necessity of women empowerment around the globe) begins to slowly deteriorate, thousands of renowned philosophers, advocates, and others who care gathered at the UN’s MDG Summit and the Clinton Global Initiative September 20-22 to discuss what needs to be done before 2015 (the date the goals are scheduled to be achieved).

As it was impossible for all advocates to attend the UN’s MDG Summit all the way in New York City our concerned group decided to host an event in Washington, DC.  The IYAG’s Women Empowerment group (Sara, Ariana, Hope, Abrar, and our mentor Nabila) held an Open-Mic fundraising dinner event at Busboy and Poets where performers (included Ariana, Hope, and Abrar!), almost equally represented by both genders, artistically expressed their opinions and concerns on women-empowerment issues. Performances included poetry, monologues, songs, instrumental performances, experience-sharing, and other creative genres.

This event was intended to collect funds for Vital Voices, an organization that aims to empower and improve conditions for women worldwide. Vital Voices has mentored over 8,000 emerging leaders from over 127 countries who have then mentored over 500,000 women. Vital Voices’s Program Assistant of the Middle East and North Africa regions, Sophia Aziz, was one of the speakers and further discussed some of the organization’s successful initiatives (including Kakenya Ntaiya’s success story, which can be found in the below link).

— More information about Vital Voices can be found at: Vital Voices

Although all proceeds were given to one organization, the main motivation for the event was The Girl Effect, “The unique potential of 600 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world.” Their video (found on the website’s homepage) was played at the event to further encourage donations.

— More information about Girl Effect can be found at: The Girl Effect

The event went stupendously and over 200 dollars were raised for this cause.  The Women Empowerment MDG group will continue to try our best to empower women locally and globally.

Thanks to all those who attended, donated, and/or performed. Your consideration and time was/is greatly appreciated, and I’m sure you feel great knowing that you helped improve the lives of girls around the world.

Video of the IYAG’s Women’s Empowerment Group welcoming everyone to the Open Mic:

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Video of IYAG’s Hope Ajayi Performing and introducing Vital Voices at the Open Mic:

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Video of Sophia Aziz from Vital Voices Speaking at the IYAG Open Mic:

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Video of IYAG’s Abrar Omeish Performing at the Open Mic:

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Video of Sabera Daqiq, New IYAG Member From Afghanistan Performing at the Open Mic:

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Video of IYAG’s Ariana Kruszewski and her Brother Perform at the Open Mic:

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